When Family Comes To Go…Life As a Team Apart




Being a part of a family with 6 Kiddies is not always easy but when those 6 Kiddies are not all yours by blood and you have times when you have to be separated that can be even harder.

During the Holiday season we had 5 of our 6 Kiddies together and it was awesome Still we felt that empty space for the one who was missing. Yet living life as a ‘blended’ family (a term I rarely use) we often have to deal with this. Our middle oldest (yes these are terms we also have when you have 6 Kiddies..lol) had school and didn’t get out in time to make the trip to join everyone down here. So this Christmas, the first in a long time, there were only 7 of us.

We had a blast and had tons of family fun and times but still he wasn’t there and we all felt it. We took a day to be sure and have FaceTime with him (thank goodness for technology) so he was able to speak with everyone,, catch up, talk about what we all got on Christmas morning, etc. Still answering my younger Kiddies question as to why he wasn’t there wasn’t the easiest of situations.

Another thing I always regret approaching is their questions when it is time for my other sons to leave and head back to their respective homes. We did all live together at one point, so they know what it’s like to be under one roof. Now that our Oldest is in College and the Middle Oldest is living outside our home they miss them terribly. We all do and that sibling time is something that can be hard to replace.

Read This Too  Turn It Up Tuesday!

This is why Holidays are always such a big deal in our home. It is the one time every year where we make every effort possible to make uer we are ALL together. This year we had circumstances we couldn’t change, but when family comes simply to go again it can be hard.

This is why I am thankful that although we are what society deems as ‘blended’ we are also a Team. To us this means that no matter where we are, how far apart, how long the separations we are always there for each other and our support is based on love not only presence.


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20 responses to “When Family Comes To Go…Life As a Team Apart”

  1. Jill F. Avatar

    I absolutely love this post about the importance of family – and how family is what you make it, not necessarily by blood. I hope you can get everyone together again soon! Thanks for sharing on the Thumping Thursday bloghop.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks Jill! It definitely isn\’t blood that makes a family…but the memories, support and love you share 🙂

  2. essentialthingdevotions Avatar

    I love your frank words here and the love that you show for your family and the time you share. I love and value family time above anything else too and have the most fun when we are all together.
    Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! Family time is definitely a priority with us and when we have it we make the most of every moment! It is always a pleasure to connect with Essential Fridays…

  3. adrianscrazylife Avatar

    Families can be challenging, particularly when you can't all physically be in the same place. We have similar challenges, so I've learned to just make the best of it and enjoy the times when I CAN get them all in the same place at the same time. #SITSharefest
    My recent post Smart Money: Going on a Magazine Fast

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly! Enjoy the moment you do have to the fullest! Thanks so much for coming by 🙂

  4. mamarabia Avatar

    My family has a hard time getting everyone together too. This Christmas we had a get together at my parents' house that my brother and sister-in-law couldn't make it to. Then we went to my brother's house, but my husband couldn't make it. And then there are issues with trying to get together with my husband's fmaily. I always feel like someone is missing!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with NJ from A Cookie Before Dinner

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Ye…Holidays and family get togethers can involve a lot of strategic planning to try and have everyone involved and even then it can be unavoidable to have a missing member. I think the key is to know that everyone is in the other\’s thoughts and hearts no matter what.

  5. Joice Avatar

    Hi dear, you have wonderful blog and great post, I hope we can follow each other, if you decided to do so and follow me on BLOGLOVIN, please let me know so I can follow you back, thank you xoxo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! 🙂

  6. ImagesByCW Avatar

    I love the idea of a 'team family' – a team is something you choose to be part of and contribute. Sounds like you are doing that the best you can in our ever changing lives.
    My recent post Ghostly

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes. That\’s exactly why we chose that for ourselves. It helps remind us that we need to be there for each other and support each other no matter what.

  7. Barb Avatar

    Loving your pic of envelope with all those cool stamps! But, you know me, I'm a bit crazy for letter writing and paper. Sounds like you had a lovely gang around you for the holidays. Families come in all sizes and shapes don't they. Kudos to you for making it work regardless.
    My recent post Mail Mess Up

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I thought it fit with the title well… 🙂 Yes it was a great bunch of us and I love that…there is nothing Holidays with a big family. Thanks…we all try to make it as best as we can regardless of anything around us…

  8. SouthernMessMoms Avatar

    I can't imagine trying to schedule it so that that many of you can get together. I'm sure you missed the "middle oldest" but I bet it was great to have that many of you together at the same time 🙂
    My recent post Social Scatter #11

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It can be really crazy! We always try to get a Team photo when we do because it\’s so rare to have everyone…yes we missed him but we still had a blast 😀

  9. Skye Avatar

    Really, someone just needs to hurry up and invent cheap personal teleportation! Being able to pop in even for an hour sometimes would help so much when people are apart.
    My recent post 10 Kids' Books About Magic That Adults Can Love Too

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh that would be awesome! Just take a quick trip here or there and catch up…no missing anyone for too long. I love it 😀

  10. Vicky Avatar

    I hate the term blended family too, despite being the matriarch of one. It's sad that we can't be there for each other all the time like we would have been a few decades ago, but thank God for the advances in technology that mean we can stay close and connected with our loved ones even when we are miles apart. Great post – thank you so much for sharing xxx
    My recent post NOTD: neon new year yellow and orange NYC and Catrice – multi manicure

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, I’m not sure what it is about the term. Maybe the idea that blending sounds as if we should somehow loose each single identity. We have always preferred Team because it makes clear to each child and even to us as Parents that we are all individuals BUT we support each other in everything…
      I am SO grateful for technology to help us stay as connected as possible….

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