Dole Ready-Cut Fruit: Smoothie Goodness

*Disclosure: I have not been compensated in any way by Dole or Minute Maid for this review or any of the opinions within.  I am merely sharing my personal opinions and thoughts on the products and results based on using them.  All opinions given are my own.

As a Momma with 4 Kiddies at home ages 16, 6, 4 and 2 I know what it feels like to not have the time to indulge in some of the simple pleasures like a relaxing cup of coffee while sitting on your porch, reading a book on a lazy afternoon or in this case getting to make a homemade smoothie from scratch! LOL

I have learned to become very creative in trying to find as many shortcuts as possible.  I sneak outside and have my porch time coffee while the Kiddies are napping, I get my nerd girl book fix during the Girlies’ dance class OR I try out Dole’s Ready-Cut Fruit to make a fresh smoothie in the comfort of my own home in less time than it would take me to gather the ingredients I would need to do it from scratch.  Sounds great, right?  I know! Especially with this summer being as hot as it has been and the prices of smoothies from the local grab and go places being rather daunting if your a Momma with a budget.  That’s when I had the bright idea while walking in the cooling air of the frozen section of my local Wal*Mart to try out the Dole Ready Cut-Fruit.

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When I saw how easy the directions were…I mean there are literally only 3 steps…I figured ok this is something I can handle.  Plus the only ingredient needed besides the Dole Ready-Cut Fruit is your favorite juice which you get to select.  In this case I picked Minute Maid Smashin’ Strawberry because I thought it would best go with the Dole Ready-Cut Fruit Strawberry & Bananas variety I decided to use for my smoothie.

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Step 1 POUR 1 cup of your favorite juice into blender…

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Step 2 ADD 1 heaping cup of Dole Ready-Cut Fruit, cover…

I must admit I added a bit more strawberries than bananas because I really like strawberries but you can add them however you like because the fruit is already cleaned and cut.  This is the awesome part about this product.  Instead of standing there for at least 15-20 minutes cleaning and cutting each variety of fruit you want to add to your smoothie it’s already done for you.  All you have to do is add the amount you want and blend.  The directions do suggest you thaw the fruit if you had it in the freezer (which I did) so I just did as indicated and placed the fruit in my microwave on defrost for about a minute and it was ready for blending with no problems.


Step 3 BLEND until smooth…

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It was just that easy.  The entire process took me less than 10 minutes, it made about a 16oz glass worth of smoothie and the cost at only $2.96 for a 14oz bag (and I actually have enough left over to make another glass) was a lot less than I would have paid at the grab and go spots.  When I was done I had a YumYummy Chilled Strawberry Banana Smoothie that tasted delicious…

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