#AskAwayFriday W/ Wendy From EffieGirl

My question for this week’s #AskAwayFriday were from the awesome Wendy at EffieGirl.  Wendy is a self-described ‘everyday girl’ and she is definitely a cool and down to earth person and I love her family values and sense of self-confidence.  They practically jump out from her pages. So once you’re done seeing what great questions Wendy has for me be sure to head over and check out her piece of the Bloggersphere at EffieGirl.





It’s Question Time… !


1- Congrats on your SITS ‘shout-out’! How did you come
about wanting SITS as a part of your blogging?
Thank You! I had such a wonderful SITSGirls Featured Blogger Day and I am so grateful to everyone who helped it be just that and then some.
I’ve often said how much research I did prior to starting my Blog.  SITSGirls was a result of that research and I am so glad that I found them.
I actually came upon them through a twitter party of some sort and then through the SITSGirls Facebook Page.  It was there that I first interacted with Tiffany Romero who ‘liked’ and commented on a response I had give to one of their prompt posts asking for you to describe yourself in one sentence.  I said:
“I’ll make you laugh and even wonder but I’ll never bore you!”
Tiffany said it was a great line and one that she would love to use herself.  I was so happy and amazed that the founder of something that was so awesome as SITSGirls took the time to read and comment on something I wrote.
It was not that long after that I started my Blog and I quickly learned that having a good foundation and Community of Bloggers around you is a major key to your success.  It’s All About Support and The SITSGirls definitely offers that in every way a Blogger could need from Tips, How To’s, Money Earning Techniques…the list can go on and so does their ability to help make you feel that you’re not alone.
2- I did NOT realize you have 6 kids! We have that craziness in common 🙂
How do you prioritize your blogging
and so many link-ups and juggling all the kids?
Yes!  My little Team 🙂  I’m not even sure I can say that I do prioritize everything as best as I could but I am certainly trying my best.  I do a lot of calendar alerts and note taking to make sure I remember everything I need to.  Trust me it can get difficult BUT my handy iPhone/iPad alerts and reminders definitely helps me a lot.
3- What has been the best experience in your blog,
thus far, in this New 2014? (Aside from SITS)
Ok, not counting my SITS Featured Blogger Day my best experience has definitely been gaining approval to be an Affiliate for Starbucks!  I am by any definition a Coffee addict and Starbucks is my biggest source…so when I received that e-mail saying I was approved.  My Day Was Made!
See that pretty Starbucks Ad over there?  I love it and Thank God for my favor daily.
4- Do your children have birthdays close to each other,
that you would combine parties?
Yes!  I have 1 in January, 1 in February, 1 in May, 1 in September and 2 in November (only 2 days apart).  Despite having back-to-back Birthdays we choose to give each child their own individual celebrations.
They are all allowed to pick their own themes which has ranged from Dora, Princess Party, Rockstar, Batman and Marvel Avengers.In our family we do Birthdays BIG and I love seeing each of their faces when their little dreams come true… 🙂
5- Do you make a ‘date-night’ with the hubster, to keep sane?
Definitely.  There are days where we simply ‘need’ to have a bit of Couple and Adult time and we try to make time for that at least twice a month.  It is usually no more than dinner and a movie but even that is enough to help us both recharge.
6- I see you like Starbucks, which has been your favorite of all favorite
drinks with all you’ve tested?
Like?  Do I?  LMBO…a bit of an understatement 😀  I made Gold Card status in less than 2 months so that can be a hint to my level of obsession.
I have been able to try so many different flavors and combinations by asking folks for their Faves through my Instagram and my “Try of the Day” features.  It’s truly a lot of fun to taste them and then give my reactions. I’ve had mostly great ones with a few not so great and either way it’s a blast!
So I would have to say that my favorite is a tie between the Pumpkin Spice Latte and the Apple Caramel Spice (which actually isn’t even coffee-it’s spiced hot apple juice YUM!)
7- Which link-up seems to be your most fun-favorite?
Oh…this is a question I simply Can’t Answer!  I enjoy each Blog Hop & LinkUp in it’s own unique way. Whether it be for the amount of Social Media connections it offers, the community it creates or simply the support it allows me to show a fellow Blogger.  I Love Them ALL!
8- Do you have a summer vacation planned?  If so, where to?
Oooh!  I am so excited because we are planning our very FIRST Family Trip to Disney and I think I may be more happy about it than my Kiddies…maybe!
We wanted to wait until each of them was old enough to enjoy and remember the experience.  By the summer the kiddies will be 20, 17, 16, 7, 5 and 3 we know that they will be able to count it as a family memory.
Let’s just say I CAN’T WAIT! 😀
9- I’m guessing you might drive a mini-van (ha, ha), what would be your dream car?
Nope!  I am so ANTI mini-van I actually cried when Hubby came home with a Chrysler Pacifica because even though it is technically a crossover to me it just looked like a mini-van.  Needless to say that car didn’t last long and I went back to my favorite form of transportation….My Trucks!  Prior to the Chrysler I had a Jeep Cherokee and now I have my baby a QX56 Infiniti but I would love to have the newer edition from 2010 which includes a push button activated rear row and trunk as well as a touch screen navigation center.
10- K S C,  Using those three letters, use each one as a single word to describe yourself.

Wow.  What a great question!

Read This Too  #AskAwayFriday W/Dean From Mrs.Aok, A Work In Progress {FINALLY}



I had such fun with Wendy’s questions and I hope you had a great time learning my answers.  Don’t forget to head over to EffieGirl and see what I came up with for Wendy and how she answers…


Also,  if you love #AskAwayFriday and would like to participate feel free to contact Penny over at Real Housewife of Caroline County, drop me a message in the comments, through my Contact Me or through any of the participating Bloggers and we’ll be sure to let you know how to get started and get connected.

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28 responses to “#AskAwayFriday W/ Wendy From EffieGirl”

  1. Ilene Evans Avatar
    Ilene Evans

    Yay for your Infiniti! It's gorgeous! And congrats on becoming a Starbucks affiliate. I LOVE Starbucks and sadly, I live in an area where they do not exist. But – when I get to the closest big city, you get that's the first place I visit!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thank You! I LOVE my Big Ol’ Truck 😀

      No Starbucks!?!?! Tragedy…I would seek one out at first chance too… LOL

  2. Sarah Avatar

    You always always always comment on my Friday posts and I appreciate it. So I make sure to comment on your posts first! I wish we lived closer to have Starbucks dates!
    My recent post Saraheveryday

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I LOVE your answers and honesty…you make me think and smile all in one sitting 🙂 I wish so too…I made some at home today (thank goodness for k-cups) but there is something about having it in that familiar cup 😀

      1. Sarah Avatar

        You're too sweet, that made me smile! Have a great rest of the day. 🙂
        My recent post Saraheveryday

        1. MrsTee Avatar
  3. upliftingfam Avatar

    I found the SIT's group as well and hope that I can continue to grow in that community. We enjoyed Disney a few years ago with the kids, of course, we will probably have to go back when the my baby is a bit older.

    I would be a mini van driving mom or a bigger SUV if I could. Right now we have a 2005 Ford Escape and 2013 Hyundai Elantra GT. It works for us at the moment but when the Escape dies I am not sure what we will do.
    My recent post #ASKAWAYFriday With Teddy is MultitaskMomma

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      SITSGirls is definitely a community I would recommend to any Blogger new or veteran.

      I can’t wait for Disney…LOL I keep browsing the site and such planning what we are gonna do 😀

      Hubby is saying he wants to get a car-car for us to have for like date nights and such..LOL He has a PickUp so e are like a total Truck family right now…

  4. Carissa Avatar

    Oh and CONGRATS on your SITS Day!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Sarah from Small Town Iowan…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      😀 Thanks so much! It was a blast and such a blessing…

  5. Carissa Avatar

    My husband has talked of getting a larger family car when we start adding to the family…I am like you so ANTI-mini van! LOL! Im so about the SUV also! I love that you all are going to Disney…we said we arent going until we are done having children and they are old enough also! I dont want the pressure of taking one when she is old enough then having more children and not getting a chance to take them. I cant wait to read all about it!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday with Sarah from Small Town Iowan…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Go SUV girl…definitely 😀

      Oh Disney here we come! Those were some of the same reasons we have put it off for so long but I am so happy that we are finally going and you KNOW there will definitely be post(s) or a series or something..LMBO!

  6. spiritedlife Avatar

    My husband is anti-minivan. I figure it's just the nature of the game. I have three kids, but the back seat is so tight with two carseats, my third child is squished in between.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      The joy of an SUV…! Mine seats 8 (more than some mini-vans) so plenty of space for 6 Kiddies plus Us and I still get to keep my Tuck Love 😀

  7. Wendy May Avatar

    Awesome, awesome answers! Loved being your partner. Thanks so much for the kind words. Love learning/hearing what others see in and of me. I’ve been reading more of SITS the past couple months. I need to dive in! Thanks for the motivation. Have a great weekend xo

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It was a fun swap for sure 🙂 You should definitely join in with the SITSGirls Fun! Stop by for the #SITSSharefest Twitter Party and LinkUp Saturdays at 10AM EST…you can share your fave posts from the week and connect with a few new Bloggers…if you want more details let me know!

  8. tamaralikecamera Avatar

    So you love the fall Starbucks drinks! My Starbucks still has Pumpkin Spice Lattes. I had last week but I was sick and couldn't really taste it. So I saved it and had it the next day. Yum!!!
    And we have a minivan. I HATE it.
    My recent post Do I Even Need An Introduction?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes, I started my love in the Fall an they are still my Faves! You\’re soo lucky they still have it…mine doesn\’t 🙁

      LOL… what would you prefer over the minivan?

      1. tamaralikecamera Avatar

        Oh, maybe something really Subaru like.. so not cool or anything. The demon minivan has sliding doors that never listen to me! Minds of their own.
        My recent post Do I Even Need An Introduction?

        1. MrsTee Avatar

          LOL…ooooh the sliding doors! Subarus are nice too…I just can\’t get myself to accept the minivan…I know I have a Team of Kiddies but do I need to LOOK like it? LOL

  9. acookiebeforedinner Avatar

    Congratulations on your affiliate status with Starbucks! I love Starbucks but the closest one is a 15 minute drive and doesn't have drive thru. It is a good thing, otherwise I'd be BROKE!
    My recent post Ask Away Friday With Mommy A-Z

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! The only place that is further out (20 minutes) is Dunkin Donuts or else I would be there too…LOL Starbucks being so close definitely helped me reach that Gold Status so fast…LOL

  10. Sarah Knepper Avatar
    Sarah Knepper

    Congrats on being featured for SITS! Loved your answers sweet friend.
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday Link Up with Lanaya from Raising Reagan

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks…it was truly a blessing… xoxoxo

  11. Sonya Avatar

    I would actually like to have a mini-van. When I was in college I would have said you were crazy if you told me that I would want a mini-van in the future…lol. However, now I would be really happy with a mini-van. I enjoyed reading your answers and learning more about you.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Don’t get me wrong the seating of a minivan is great but I am so glad I can get that with my truck as well…I guess I fell prey to the stereotypes but I just can’t do one… LOL 🙂

  12. ssgannett Avatar

    Awesome answers, as always! I so love my SUV, which I will continue to drive as long as my little Nessie will continue to go putt, putt, putt! LOL! I do the same with my kids, though it may not always be big, it always focuses on them. I make them the dinner of their choice and a cake too…and sometimes the dinners are as large as any Thanksgiving dinner I have ever made! LOL! Hope you have a great weekend, Tiffany!
    My recent post #AskAwayFriday 25 With Sonya from Saving Everyday With Sonya K!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! My truck is definitely my baby…my Big Baby but mine just the same..LOL 😉

      I used to try the Dinner of Faves but we would end eating the most random things…LOL I still love Birthdays and we must always have (cup)cake (one or the other)

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